Friday, September 28, 2012
Trick To View Twitter Full Site From Mobile Phone Browser's.
Trick To View Twitter Full Site From Mobile Phone Browser's:
Many people uses Social Networking site's.It's a best way to stay connected with people.Some of the popular social networking site's are Google Plus,Facebook,Twitter etc.We also have Fan Pages in all those site's.You can subscribe to our fan page's and stay connected with us.Most of the thing's are getting mobilized.It also happened in the case of Social Medias and Social Networking site's.The main aim behind a mobile movement is the ease of Updating our Status and use Social Media on the go.Top Sites are giving their mobile user's a Mobile rendered view to makes thing easier and Faster.But sometimes it will be annoying to use Mobile view since some major feature's are go disappeared from the mobile view.
We had given you a tutorial on How to view Facebook Full site on Mobile.Now we are here with Popular Social Networking site Twitter.We will Teach you How to view Twitter full version site on mobile.
The trick is so simple and working 100% perfectly on any OS,any Device or any browser's.
This tutorial contains only two step's and everyone will understand the trick easily.
Step #1:-
Go to and sign-in to your account using Username and Password.
Step #2:-
Go to following URL
You have got it.!
Now please follow us.You can also subscribe to our daily Newsletter via email.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Official Handler Mod for Airtel Free Internet.
UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Official Handler Mod for Airtel Free Internet:
Uc Browser team released new version of UC browser Cloud.The new version is 8.5 Cloud.We had given you UC Browser 8.5 cloud test version hacked for free GPRS with Airtel.
Now we are here with its Official final version which is hacked for free Internet with Airtel.
This version is much stable than the previous test version.They fixed many bug's such as download-file's-from-jumbofile's-without.html" target="_blank">downloading problem and totally improved this version.
New Feature's of Browser :
- New and Improved User Interface of the Home screen and Menu.
- Highly Optimized for full touch screen phones.
- Optimized Switch and Multi tab option's.
- High improvement in Input method's.
- Optimized Key board for Touch screen phone's.
- Brightness Adjusting feature came Back.
- Supported Sharing of Images to Face Book.
This version also support's free Browsing with high speed downloading.This is compatible with both 2g and 3g sim card's.You have to use MobileOffice (now called as airtelinternet) as default setting's for application's.If you dont have any,just send a message 'MO' to '543210'.Then you have to make it default.
This file is hosted on google site's.So you will get direct download links without any problem.
Download Link's :
Link 1: Airtel UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Mod.jar
Airtel Modded UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Handler Download September 2012.
Airtel Modded UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Handler Download September 2012:
We were posting many free Internet Trick's.Recently we posted a UC Browser 8.4 Handler Airtel Modded version.Today we present's The latest version of UC Browser 8.5.0 Cloud Edition which is Re-Modded for Airtel Free GPRS.This version is a test version of UC Browser 8.5 Cloud.UC Browser team has introduced many new feature's in this version.You can experience the new face of UC browser from this.They introduced a very good UI look.The light blue design is very cool.Since this is a test version,there is a high possibility of getting error's.You have to wait for the Official Original release of this version in order to get the problem's solved.New Feature's of Browser :
- New and Improved User Interface of the Home screen and Menu.
- Highly Optimized for full touch screen phones.
- Optimized Switch and Multi tab option's.
- High improvement in Input method's.
- Optimized Key board for Touch screen phones.
- Brightness Adjusting feature came Back.
- Supported Sharing of Images to Face Book.
Download and Install this version on your phone with using airtel Internet setting's only.Then only you will get free GPRS with Free Downloading and Browsing.
Please share this trick.
Note:After clicking on these to links need to wait for 7 to 8 second then click skip this ad on top right side.
JumboFiles download help >click here<.
Download Link's :
Link 1: UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Airtel Achusoft Modded .jar
Link 2: UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Airtel Achusoft Modded .zip
Link 3: UC Browser 8.5 Cloud Airtel Achusoft Modded .jar
Download Airtel UC Browser 8.4 Handler Mod Free Internet August.
Download Airtel UC Browser 8.4 Handler Mod Free Internet August:
We are Presenting the Latest version of UC browser (version - JAVA),which is modded for Free GPRS with Airtel.This version is come with improvement's and some bug fixes.The main improvement include's optimization for theme download,call&SMS feature,Improved download manager.
With our modded version,you can get free Internet access (Browsing and Downloading) from Airtel Sim.More over this version need not require any setting to be changed.All Trick's are made in built.
Improved Feature's of UC Browser 8.4:
- Improved them Installation Feature.
- Added feature to view Static's of Traffic.
- Re Updated SMS and Call Feature's ( Make call's or send SMS with in the Browser ).
- Comes with Indian separate Server.
New Update for Free GPRS Trick:
- No need of Changing any setting's (everything done Inside).
- Just install and Use with Airtel Internet setting's.
- Support for High speed Download with new server.
- High speed Browsing.
JumboFiles download help >click here<.
Download Link's :
Link 1: Download UC Browser 8.4 Airtel Moded Working .jar
Link 2: Download UC Browser 8.4 Mod For Airtel .jar
Link 3: Download UC Browser 8.4 Mod For Airtel .zip
Download File's from Jumbofiles without Error.
Download File's from Jumbofiles without Error:
Most of the file's uploaded by us are on
We opted that site since it is user friendly with no waiting time for Download and there were no Ads in them.
Now a day's they started to use ads in their page.They are so tricky,that's why Ads are look like Download Link's and most of the user's click on Ads instead of Original Download Link's.
Their strategies affected us more. Most of the user's complain that Download link's are not working.!!
Now in today's post,we are teaching you to 'How to get Download without any problem from Jumbofiles'.
Without registration :
When you click on Download,it shows a page as like the screen shot given below :
Click "Free Download" from there.
Then you can see a page as below:
You can see clearly, the Ads cannot be distinguished. In the below screen shot,you can see a small link as "Download File".It is the original Download Link.Click that.
Another page will open now.Here in this screenshot,you can see the download button below Ads.It is the original one.Click that,then Downloading will Start's.
Download Now,Play Now buttons you see in the screen shot's are Advertisement's.
Never click that.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Ufone Social Offer: Use Unlimited Facebook(FB) and Twitter.
Ufone Social Offer: Use Unlimited Facebook(FB) and Twitter:
After announcing free Twitter browsing with Ufone,the company has announced a unique offer called “SocialLife” to enable its prepaid customer's can enjoy unlimited browsing of Facebook and Twitter at a fixed daily charge of Rs: 4 (including taxes).
Please note that you must use your native browser (other than Opera Mini) to get free browsing. Standard charges will apply if you use Opera Mini as browser.
Also to mention that any website,other than Facebook and Twitter,will be charged as per usual tariff.
How to Activate:
- Dial *4242# from your Ufone number and get cracking.
Terms & Conditions:
- Bucket will be valid on all prepaid packages.
- Customer's will be able to unsubscribe by dialing *5242#.
- Customer's subscribed to time based data packages will not be able to subscribe to Social life Package.
- Customer's subscribed to volume based data packages will be able to subscribe to Social Life Bucket and vice versa. However, the priority in this case will be Volume Based Data Packages.
- Incase customer browses some other website, they will be charged as per their data plan.
- Customer's will be subscribed as soon as request is received.
- All charges are inclusive of Taxes.
- This is a limited time offer.
- Customer's will not be able to browse Twitter or Facebook without data charges on Opera Mini Browser's.
- Customer's using time based APN ufone.hispeed would be able to subscribe to social life package but they will not be able to enjoy free browsing of facebook/twitter.
- Using SIMs without proper documentation is a crime – PTA.
- 19.5% FED on usage and 10% withholding tax at recharge or bill applies.
- Terms and conditions apply.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Ufone Introduces Auto Reply Service.
Ufone Introduces Auto Reply Service:-
Ufone has introduced this new service called ‘Auto Reply’,which will enable its prepaid and postpaid customer's to play an audio message automatically for each incoming call they will get..
This service can be handy during situation's when you too busy to receive call's.In such situations you can enable Auto Reply and all the incoming calls will be played a pre-defined voice message from the list or a custom message of your choice..
Ufone customer's can have a selected audio message from available list of predefined messages or different custom made messages in their own voice for different people..
How to Avail Auto Reply Service:-
Call 5757 for just Rs. 0.10+tax/min to subscribe Ufone’s Auto Reply service.
Subscription charges are Rs.5+tax/week for Prepay customers and Rs.20+tax/month for Postpaid..
calls to 5757 will be charged at Rs. 0.10+tax per minute..
Ufone Offers Free Unlimited Twitter Usage.
Ufone Offers Free Unlimited Twitter Usage:-
Ufone has come up with this new offering which will allow its 26 million prepaid customer's to use Twitter for un-metered amount of time at absolutely no charge..
Yes you read it right.Ufone customer's can browser (mobile version of) Twitter website from their phones with no charges at all.
How to Use Twitter on Ufone:-
Simply log on to and get tweeting!
There are no subscription charges or any other kind of usage charges.
This move from Ufone is likely to boost Twitter usage in Pakistan,which is fast becoming a popular tool of getting social for common citizens and celebrities alike.
It merits mentioning here that you will need to have a GPRS enabled phone with working GPRS setting's enabled on it.
Ufone usually configures GPRS/EDGE setting for your phone automatically but just in case if your phone isn’t configured then call help line to get your phone working with GPRS or you can point to this URL to get GPRS settings done manually..
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Download Preview of Microsoft Office 2013 | Review with New Feature's.
Download Preview of Microsoft Office 2013 | Review with New Feature's:
Last week,Microsoft announced the new version for their office suit,MS Office 2013.Now the preview of MS Office 2013 is available for download from the official website of Microsoft.Microsoft office 2013 will include the basic applications of Office suit such as Word,Power Point,Excel,Outlook,Access etc.The new version comes with many improvement's in their icon's,User Interface,Hardware support and more..
Icons :
Microsoft Office 2013 comes with a new different set of Icons for all the office suits.As like windows 8 icon sets,MS office icons also comes with monochrome color's and with a tilted view.Microsoft brig that icon's in order to mach with upcoming Windows 8 OS.
User Interface :
When we look at the UI of the application's,we could get the idea that Microsoft has slightly modded the UI in order make it fit with the New Metro UI which is coming with Windows 8.Totally we can say that the UI is a mixed form of old 2010 and new Metro UI.
Design :
Microsoft Office 2013 is mainly designed for Touch Screen Display.So the entire design is maintained for accepting inputs from finger.Also it support for stylus for scribing on the screen.
Cloud based :
Now cloud computing is came to be hit.So Microsoft also tried to bring cloud features in to MS office 2013.The new version comes with integrated Sky Drive,Skype, Yammer and much more.
Support :
The new version of MS office 2013 only support's Windows 7 and Windows 8.Some times Microsoft will make this with support for old windows versions also.We can expect that.
Download MS Office Preview :
You can Download the MS Office 2013 preview from Microsoft's official site The download links are given below.
Download MS Office 2013 Preview
Opera Mini 4.4 Mod Handler Hacked For Free Airtel Gprs August 2012.
Opera Mini 4.4 Mod Handler Hacked For Free Airtel Gprs August 2012.
Opera Mini 4.4 Handler hacked Mod For Free Internet With Airtel - Best For Low Memory Handsets. 100% Working August Trick [2g and 3g Supported]..
We were posting many Free Gprs Trick's For Airtel.Some of them are still work's.Today we are here with Opera Mini 4.4 Hacked For Airtel.This version of Opera Mini is best for low memory phones too.This support's s40,s60,Android and all java supported Platform's..
For getting free Gprs,you have to use AirtelInternet or MobileOffice setting.Just Download Opera Mini 4.4 Airtel Mod From the Following link's.Install to your Phone and start Surfing for Free.
Note:After clicking on these to links need to wait for 7 to 8 second then click skip this ad on top right side.
JumboFiles download help >click here<.
Download Links:
Link 1: Download Opera Mini 4.4 Mod For Airtel .jar
Link 2: Download Opera Mini 4.4 Mod For Airtel .zip
Airtel free latest 2G and 3G GPRS trick with blasting speed 2012.
Airtel free latest 2G and 3G GPRS trick with blasting speed 2012:
If you are using Nokia S40 device,You might facing problem making Internet Setting of any service providers.You have to install .prov file to get exact setting so your balance will not reduce.
In this trick we have found with new proxy that is very very faster then other proxy.
Instruction :
Step 1: Make new Setting in your mobile or make PROV file from Here.
Step 2: APN:
Step 3: IP Address:
Step 4: PORT:80
Step 5: Homepage :
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
How to Add Image in Blogger/Blogspot Blog Post?
How to Add Image in Blogger/Blogspot Blog Post?
Blogger tutorial,today I am going to show you how to add image in blogger/blogspot blog post.
Now let’s start the tutorial to add image in blogger/blogspot blog post.
Step 1: Go to Blogger and login with Gmail ID and Password. ( )
Step 2: From Blogger Dashboard click on Create New Post. Shown in below picture.

Step 3: Type your post article in Title area. Shown in below picture.

Step 4: In article description area click on Insert Image. Shown in below picture.
Step 5: Blogger will open a new page to add image in blogger post.You can insert images in your blogger post in many ways such as from the blog,picasa web albums,phone,webcam,url or computer.So choose the right one for you.To upload image from computer,click on Upload and Choose Files.Shown in below picture.

Step 6: Then select your image location and click on Open.Shown in below picture.

Step 7: Blogger will start to upload your picture.
Step 8: Click on Add Selected.Shown in below picture.

You have successfully inserted image to blogger/blogspot post.
If you are happy with inserted image then click on Publish..
How to write first blog at Blogger/Blogspot?
How to write first blog at Blogger/Blogspot?
I hope you have successfully created your own blogsite at blogger already.Now in this tutorial I am going to show you how to write first blog at blogger with image tutorial for you.This tutorial especially based on those people who are new to blogging world.
But in today’s world time has changed.Blogging people are divided in two categories.One is hobby and another is Professional.The professional one works like business.And for the business people are ready to do anything to get success.They are doing cheating or not with their valuable readers,it does not matter for them.They only mean to do business with blogging.
Now come to the point.I did the above discussion to tell you the importance of blogging.Please don’t betray with your reader's or visitor's.They are life of your blog.Make your reader's or visitor's happy to read your article without any hassle (like too much monetization trick's, incomplete article, stolen articles and so on).It does not matter blogging is your hobby or profession please be loyal with blog writing.
Lets start to write first blog at blogger with image Tutorial.
Step 1: Login to your blogger account with gmail.
Step 2: Click on Create New Post from blogger dashboard. Shown in below picture.

Step 3: A new page will open.New Create Post page will like below picture.I put some number to make it clear for you to understand.See at below picture.

Step 4: Now let me clear about this number in above picture.
Number 1: It called Compose.If you choose compose mode for your new post then you don’t write any html code.Whenever you write new word it will auto generate new HTML code for you.
Number 2: If you have knowledge in HTML, this option will help you to write html code for your new post. HTML code looks like below picture.

Number 3: It is article Title.Article title is very important.So always try to write a very good article title.
Number 4: This option is used for to write the details of your article title. You can write, add picture, html coding, video within this field.
Number 5: You can use this option to look a quick preview on how it will look like after publishing.
Number 6: This option is used for to save your article.If you need to go outside urgent form your home when you are writing new post, you can use this option to save your article.
Number 7: This option is used for to publish your article.After writing,editing and quick preview,when you click on Publish, your article will be open for worldwide readers to read your article.
I hope you will now able to write first blog post at blogger.If you have any problem after reading this just give me a shout at below comment box.
I will be happy to help you.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Pakistan SIM Information System
Pakistan SIM Information System:
PTA)( – Online SIM Information System (State of Telecom Industry in Pakistan)
(PTA) Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has developed a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) information system to address associated risks on security and to ensure subscription regulations in cellular sector.
The objective of the project is to provide a consumer-based facility to mobile subscriber's in Pakistan by which they would be able to find out the total number of SIM(s) registered against their respective CNIC number with each mobile operator.
You will get a response with number of connections issued against this CNIC for 6 companies (Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor, SCO and Ufone).Service wont tell you cell number's,instead it will actually tell you amount of number's.