Thursday, June 14, 2012
Fast Shut Down Windows With A Double Click / Win Xp.
Fast Shut Down Windows With A Double Click / Win Xp.
Follow Step By Step:
Step 1: Right click a blank area on your desktop
Step 2: Click New.
Step 3: Click Shortcut to create a shortcut on your desktop.
Step 4: The Create Shortcut dialog - To have Windows shut down immediately when.
Step 5: You double click the shortcut, and type shutdown -s -t 00
NOTE: To Have Windows count down for a specific number of seconds before shutting down, type the number of seconds instead of 00 in step 4.
Step 6: Click Next to continue.
Step 7: Type the name you want the shortcut to display on your desktop.
Step 8: Click Finish to create the shortcut.
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